Sparrowsfly’s Blog

Archive for the ‘Vegetarian’ Category

Vegetarianism: For Your Health

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I believe the first step to being more compassionate in life is to have compassion for yourself. Having great self-esteem is something I struggle with everyday but I make it a point to face my struggle. Taking care of your health is simplest way to help boost your self-esteem. I became a vegetarian not only for ethical reasons but also because I realized giving up meat was the best thing I could do for my body. I recently read a story about a diabetic’s turn to a plant-based diet and how it completely changed her life; this story is a must-read and completely encompasses all the reasons why you are responsible for your own health. Eating well and moving once in awhile will make you happier, being happy is essential to living compassionately. You must be able to feel your own world before you can reach out and touch the worlds of those around you.

Written by sparrowsfly

April 7, 2009 at 8:57 pm

Posted in Vegetarian